Academic Rigor
What is Academic Rigor?
Academic Rigor can be defined as creating an environment in which each student is expected to learn at high levels, each student is supported so he or she can learn at high levels, and each student demonstrates learning at high levels.
Rigorous learning experiences help students understand knowledge and concepts that are complex, ambiguous, or contentious, and they help students acquire skills that can be applied in a variety of educational, career, and civic contexts throughout their lives.
Rigorous assignments encourage students to think critically, creatively, and more flexibly, and to question their assumptions and think deeply, rather than simply utilize memorization and information recall.
Rigorous learning environments are stimulating, engaging, and supportive.
Rigorous learning opportunities are challenging and motivate students to learn more and learn it more deeply, while giving them a sense of personal accomplishment when they overcome a learning challenge.
What does Academic Rigor look like?
Examples of an academically rigorous class setting:
- Students are engaged in the learning process.
- There is evidence of critical thinking, problem-solving, collaboration, oral and written communication, analyzing information, and encouraging creativity.
- There is evidence that students are given multiple ways to demonstrate learning.
- Higher level questioning by the instructor.
- Instructor asking extending questions so that students are encouraged to think more deeply.
Learning Outcomes: Students will
- Demonstrate foundational academic habits including time management, class participation, grit, and effective study skills.
- Develop an educational plan that will lead to timely graduation by partnering with academic advisors and affirming a best-fit major.
- Meet progression requirements and enroll for subsequent semesters.
- Utilize university resources that can assist with academic success.
Lesson Plans
Becoming an Active Learner
Identify the value of being an active learner and paying close attention to feedback.
Notice of Vacancy
To help students understand the importance of soft skills in the classroom and workplace.
My Favorite Teacher
To discover ways of learning effectively when an instructor does not teach to the student's preferred way(s) of learning.
Wise Choice Process Model
The Wise Choice Process Model is a six-question decision-making model that students can utilize in order to make a responsible decision in the face of any challenge.
Mid Semester Check-in
Great way to intentionally check in with students Mid-semester and get a good pulse of the individual experience.
Student Success Stories-
The Students Success Stories podcast is a wonderful resource for students to hear from other students on how to be successful at Baylor.
Library Lamppost Modules-
Students will explore academic integrity so that they are better equipped to take ownership for their work and participate in the scholarly conversations surrounding their
disciplines. Students will also become acquainted with basic library resources and services that they can utilize throughout the research process.
Career Development -
It is never too early for students to begin their career exploration! This lesson plan will help walk them through this process and expose them to the resources available to
them as Baylor students.
Failure Toss-
Students will reflect on the life lessons they have learned from their own challenges, obstacles, and failures.
Managing Stress
Students will observe that stress may occur when choices made in one area of life impacts other areas of life.
The Center for Academic Success & Engagement provides effective academic resources; check out their website for Study Strategies.
Baylor Writing Center is a great resource to which to introduce students to early in their academic journey
Supplemental Instruction or SI is a built-in academic assistance offered for historically-difficult courses. Students have free access to this peer-assisted study sessions! Encourage your students to get plugged-in to their SI sessions early on!
The Tutoring Center is also available for students, along with the Tutoring Center's Youtube channel for immediate access to tutoring sessions for a variety of subjects.