New Student Experience (NSE) Courses
AVS 1300 Introduction to Aviation
BIC 1212 Exam Life I:Human Dev/Col Life
BIO 1125 Frman Biology Resource
BUS 1101 Connect to Hankamer School Bus
CSD 1308 Speech Pathology & Audio
CSI 1095 Comp Science 1st yr seminar
CSS 1305 Introduction to Communication
EGR 1101 EGR New Student Experience
ENT 3301 Entreprnshp:Living & Learning
FAS 1311 Mod Lang, Cult, and Global
FDM 1101 NSE in Film & Digital Media
FRE 1301 Elementary French
FYS 1399 Friendship HNR
FYS 1399 Hon & Character - Medicine HNR
FYS 1399 Code Blue:Leading as a Doc HNR
FYS 1399 Trends in Healthcare HNR
FYS 1399 History, Memory, Hope 20th C HNR
FYS 1399 Literary Bible (Old Test) HNR
FYS 1399 Loneliness, Conn. & Auth HNR
FYS 1399 Fnd. of Western Civil. HNR
FYS 1399 Patient's Exper. w/Illness HNR
FYS 1399 US Constitutional Law HNR
FYS 1399 Hunger and Justice HNR
GEO 1306 The Earth Through Time
GER 1301 Elementary German
GTX 2301 Intell Trad Ancient Wrld HNR
HED 1350 Dimensions Health Scienc Studi
HIS 1300 US in Global Perspective
HSD 1104 New Student Seminar in HSD
ITA 1301 Elementary Italian
JOU 1303 Intro to Mass Communication
JPN 1301 Introductory Japanese
LDS 1301 Introduction to Leadership
LF 1158 Paddle Sports
LF 1162 Outdoor Adventure Sports
MH 1331 Intro to Medical Humanities
MH 1331 Intro to Med Hum-HNR
MST 1300 Museum Studies
MUS 1095 Freshman Music Seminar
NUR 1101 Intro to Art and Science Nrsg
PHI 1301 HNR Philosophy & the Inklings
PHI 1308 HNR Political Philosophy
PHP 1105 Foundations of Medicine
PHP 1106 Intro to Health Professions
PHY 1025 Finding Success in Physics
POR 1301 Elementary Portuguese
PSC 1387 US Const, Interp, Am Pol Exp
PUBH 1145 Health & Human Behavior
REL 1310 The Christian Scriptures
RLS 1396 Intro to Leisure Service
SPA 1301 Elementary Spanish
SPA 2310 Intermediate Spanish
SPA 2320 Exploring SPA-Speaking World
SPA 3302 Conversation & Composition
SRF 1306 Research Techniques I
STL 1102 Exploring Majors
STL 1102 Understanding-Legal Profession
STL 1102 1st Generation Student Success
STL 1102 Exploring Vocation and Calling
STL 1102 Veterans in Transition
STL 1102 Strategic Learning
STL 1103 College Success: Freshmen
STL 1104 Transferring Your Success
STL 1200 Strategic Learning
STL 1201 Strategic Learning
SWO 1101 Social Justice/New Begin at BU
TED 1312 Intro to Teaching I - Elementary
TED 1312 Intro to Teaching I - Secondary
THEA 1380 Intro to Theatre Aesthetics