Instructor Resources
To help our current and prospective NSE faculty, we have more detailed information on the New Student Experience Goals and Outcomes here.
We have also collected sample syllabi from other credit-bearing NSE courses to guide you as you create your own syllabus.
For more information about how you can support first generation college students in your class, see these tips.
Care Team Services
Reach out to students you are concerned about physically or emotionally that may require a greater level of support - Student Health and Welfare Care Team
Contact Care Case Managers:
Meghan Becker: ; 254-640-7843
Shannon Farquhar-Caddell:; 254-709-2742
Trenia Cooper:; 254-640-6609
Jazmine Reed:; 254-710-2100
If you have questions, you are also welcome to contact Whitney Jones.